
Welcome to Elliottwaves.com

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to Elliottwaves.com.
You have probably landed here after reading my book ‘Five Waves to Financial Freedom: Learn Elliott Wave Analysis’. That book has greatly helped innumerable traders from around the world. The main goal of that book was to make the Elliott Wave theory easy to understand, and to give traders a head start in their search for financial freedom. Yet, I am amazed that people keep coming back with questions that have been answered in the book. Perhaps a better way to teach would be with the help of case studies? After all, leading business schools like Harvard and Wharton have been very successful in using that approach. This thought made me search the internet for what was available. I looked at Udemy.com and found the Elliott Wave course content there was woefully short on details, or quality, merely collating information from a few standard text books!  At the other extreme, content offered by some well-known names was priced well above $1000. Finally, I decided to create my own on-line educational content available at an affordable price.

The reason that traders either lose money or achieve mediocre results in the stock market is they simply make too many mistakes. Perhaps the greatest mistake that more than 95% of traders make is never spending time trying to learn where they made their mistakes! If you can unlearn your current approach, or learn a new approach that does work, you will see a tremendous difference in your results. Let me assert here, whether you are a beginner or an experienced trader, if your past actions have not made you happy, if you have been losing sleep over your trading decisions, and seeing days and weeks fly by while numerous opportunities are lost, then it is time you take charge of your future by educating yourself.

If you have decided to secure your financial future, then would you rather learn from one of the best and most experienced in the field, or would you spend time looking for some half-baked, free or cheap information in the internet? I have been a trader, and an analyst for over 35 years, practicing Elliott Waves day-in and day-out. I know exactly what happens to your stomach when you take a big exposure! This course will teach you how to approach the market with confidence, how to take those bets that offer an outsized reward for the risk you take, and how to modify your tactics in a market that is moving. A great majority of the case studies that I have used are from the CURRENT market at the time of recording. I discuss the WHYs and HOWs at crucial decision points. There is no fudging!

My confidence in my approach is so high that I posted this YouTube video on 24 June 2019. The recording was done on 17 June when the S&P500 index was at 2895.

"Introduction to Ramki's online course"

This excerpt is the first 6 minutes of a case study that runs for 18 minutes, during which I made the case that we will likely see the index top out between between 3030 and 3055 in this leg up. The actual top was posted after a full month, on 26 July 2019 at 3027, a mere 3 tics below 3030, and it dipped to a low of 2822, on 5 August 2019, a gain of nearly 7% in under 10 days. But this course does not focus on making predictions. It teaches you how to use your wave counts to trade. And that is where you get value for your money.

How is Ramki’s Elliott Wave Educational Course different?

I have created this program with a great deal of attention to the practical application of the Elliott Wave Principle. A vast majority of the examples that I have used are taken from the current market, at the time of recording. I have shared several case-studies where the examples are actual trades that members of my exclusive club had taken. In these examples, I have described HOW I decided to label the waves in a particular way, and WHY I chose to enter at certain levels etc. Of particular importance is the section dealing with how to count waves. I know for a fact that many of you are finding it extremely hard to label the waves correctly. So, I have devoted an entire module for that.

The examples have been carefully chosen to explain the concepts clearly. There is no ambiguity with my recommendations. I explain when I choose to stand aside, and when I decide to become aggressive. There are over 18 hours of videos, recorded personally by me. These are not ‘canned’ videos. The goal is to present you with a quality training program that will transform your trading. (And don't balk at the number of hours of videos! You don't need to watch all of it in one go. Indeed, after the first 3 hours, you will be moving on to the case studies, which you can watch at your leisure. Each case study is a unique event that actually happened. And you bet, some of them didn't work out! But you end up learning from each case study. As I said, the goal is to present you with techniques on dealing with the real world market).

I have already read Ramki’s book “Five Waves to Financial Freedom”. How will this course add value, especially considering the cost!

You are probably wondering what could I teach you that has not been explained in my book “Five Waves to Financial Freedom: Learn Elliott Wave Analysis”. That is a good question. It is true that I have packed that book with a lot of information in an easy to understand language. However, the experience of watching an expert explaining an important point is far superior than reading about it. Why do you think I get students flying from around the world to attend my workshops? Well, now you get to listen to my teachings from the comfort of your chair, whether it is at home, or in the commute to your office.

These videos have been recorded in High Definition and are being streamed using the same professional platform as Netflix! So, you will get smooth and seamless delivery of content. All you need is a high-speed internet connection! Also, the book has examples that are now over 10 years old. But a majority of the examples used in this program are only a few weeks or days old. Some of the ideas are still playing out. Additionally, whereas the book is static, I have been adding more content over time, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future, so that you get more bang for the buck. Finally, there are some practical points that I could not discuss in an introductory book like FWTFF. It would have made the book messy and difficult to understand. In this course, I am sharing what I have learned from over three decades of using Elliott Waves.

This course is made up of two parts. The first part, dealing with the theory, covers what you have read in the book, of course with current examples in video format. This part runs for just over 3 hours. The second part, dealing with the practical application of the Elliott Wave Principle, involving live examples, and numerous case studies, runs for over 15 hours. Clearly, there is enormous value added. And you can keep coming back to different case studies in any sequence you like, because they all have something new to teach, some nuance that you won't find in any book.

I am just beginning with Elliott Waves. Will this course teach me the basics?

Whether you are a beginner, or a market veteran, there is something for everyone. I have tried to make my explanations as simple and direct as possible. There is no esoteric jargon. I don’t use complex math. Why do you think that leading fund managers consult with me regularly? It is not due to their lack of market experience! It is not because they don’t know the theory. It is because of my approach. I am trying to teach you that approach in this course.

I am an experienced trader. Will this course be too simple for me?

This course is designed in such a way that you can skip the introductory parts and go straight to the sections that interests you, namely the practical aspects. The concepts there are not revolutionary. But the approach is something you will not find discussed in any Elliott Wave book. As you watch each case study, you will get familiar with how I approach different situations. And that experience is what it is all about. You learn by seeing. Then you start doing it yourself. Imagine the time when you are no longer sweating every day to eke out small profits! Using the methods that I teach you here, you will spend 75% of your time researching for the right candidates to trade. That means you will have more time to spend with family and friends. And the few trades that you take will be such high-confidence trades and so well planned out, that even if they fail, you will hardly be upset. A few good trades will be more than enough to make many of your dreams come true.

Can I get a refund if I don’t like the course?

The quick answer is, sorry no! A lot of effort and time has gone into the preparation of this course, and it runs on a very solid platform, the administration of which costs money. I have priced it to cover these underlying costs as well as taxes that are all included in the one price that you pay. You will have access for a full year, during which time I might include additional case studies as a bonus.

Can I share the content with my friends?

This course has been offered for your sole and private use. It should not be shared with others. Encourage them to buy their own copy. If our system finds that the contents are being watched from more than one I.P. address, your access will be restricted.

Any final words?

If you are involved in the financial markets, then you should invest in learning skills that will make a difference to your life. In this course, you will get far more value than you can imagine. Don't take my word for it. Just listen to these students, chosen randomly. They are perfect strangers to me. 


Your Road to Success